Things I'm looking forward to in the next place we live:
Neighbors that know how to park without damaging other people's property
Parking spaces wide enough to encourage neighbors not to damage others' property
A shorter commute for Cory
No HOA fees or assessments
No HOA board or meetings
Neighbors that don't have domestic disputes, drunk arrivals, or outdoor telephone conversations, all at 3am. In English or otherwise, I'm not picky.
Bedroom windows that don't face a parking lot where such events would still happen anyway
Windows on more than one side of the house
A kitchen big enough for two
More counter space
Enough space for a table AND computer desks AND guests over, all at the same time
An interstate that's more than a block away
Walking to restaurants
Being debt-free
Temporarily pretending spiders don't live in the new place
Central heating, and I wouldn't complain if there's air conditioning
I think we can get all that in an apartment. The only questions will be where, and for how much. If we didn't leave the neighborhood we're in now, we could get all that for the same as the mortgage used to cost us. We'd really like if we could get it all for less than the mortgage. If we go to the nice areas of the city, the areas we'd really like to live in eventually, we really couldn't get it for any less than our mortgage+HOA dues. While we could afford that, I'd rather put less rent in to the apartment and be saving the difference for a future down payment. Or if we find we're permanently disillusioned with home ownership, save it for retirement or a great vacation or something.
They say rents are at an almost all-time high right now though - a response to home ownership and home prices being at almost all-time lows. So everyone in this foreclosure situation is pretty much doing the exact opposite of what we "should" be. But we've all got extenuating circumstances that make foreclosure the only thing we can do. I'd sure love to be able to go out and buy a house right now. Prices are low, interest rates are low, and if I ever buy a house again, it'd be one I plan to live in for the full 30 years of the mortgage. But it's not practical. The $100,000 debt on the condo is looming over my head and forcing me in to renting for a pretty long time. Sorry Market, I can't help ya.