Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day 47: One Step Forward and Two Steps Back

Credit Score: 710
Calls: 9
Emails: 1
Mail: 3

Laaaaaaaame. The lawyer says the papers we got aren't a notice of default, despite saying "you are in default" in the first sentence of each one. He says the actual notice will have a really big heading that we can't miss. So we're still waiting.

Also, my estimate of Day 61 before being reported to the credit agencies was wrong. My score dropped yesterday. 50 points. I had figured 90 days late was the first statistic they'd use since they'd only officially informed me of the risk of reporting after two missed payments, but there are technically 30-day and 60-day late reports. I don't know which one they've reported me for because I don't want to blow one of my two remaining free credit report views for the year. I'm tempted though. :) I may lose the battle with temptation before July rolls around, when I've allowed myself to look at another one.

Thus, we are now at Day 47, and still awaiting "Day 31" productive actions, but suffering the consequences of "Day 31" punitive actions.

(At least my credit score chart just got interesting?)

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